Somewhere in the dystopian Middle East, grand houses that once housed the wealthy are now homes of the city's most-dangerous criminals. An undercover cop, his ex-con, and others will take down the drug lord who killed his own father. 展開全部
巴士657 搶劫 關鍵救援:巴士657(臺) 657號公共汽車 657號公交車 公交657 Bus 657
瞞天過海2:長驅直入(臺) 盜海豪情12瞞徒(港) 十二王牌 12羅漢 盜海12俠
Countdown in Kung Fu The Hand of Death Hand of Death
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金牌警校軍第四集 學警出更第四集:翻天覆地 全民警察