劇情:Mother, father and sister visit the adult son in the family in his small apartment for a dinner. The father gives one critical view after the other about his sons life.
劇情:Sumuru is a beautiful but evil woman who plans world domination by having her sexy all-female army eliminate male leaders and replace them with her female agents
劇情:Ben (Sid Caesar) and Kate Powell (Vera Miles) rent a haunted New England house by the sea where their son Steve (Barry Gordon) cops the blame for mayhem caused by the pranks of three mischievous ghosts.
劇情:來到巴黎辦事的于勒先生(雅克·塔蒂 Jacques Tati飾)初入巴黎就被超級現代化的世界博覽會大樓所震驚。于勒先生很快就迷失在這座歎為觀止的高科技大樓中,精妙絕倫的最新先進設備、流光溢彩的博覽會景觀以及來自世界各地的遊客和顧客,都讓于勒先生大開眼界。當於勒先生終於想起要去找辦事的人時,天已漸黑。談完公事,于勒先生來到了剛剛裝修好的夜總會。午夜魅影,恍如白晝,裡面的男男女女興致正高。自然,于勒先生也加入了他們的狂歡隊伍。于勒先生更一時興起,把剛剛裝修好的屋頂裝飾弄了下來,屋內一片狼藉。怎知客人們非但沒有覺得掃興,反而玩得更加瘋狂。旦夕之間已是清晨,狂歡一夜後的巴黎別有一番韻味。 由法國著名喜劇導演雅克·塔蒂自編自導自演的喜劇影片《玩樂時間》,用一種接近單色的色調和70毫米的巨大畫卷,將鋼筋玻璃世界的冷酷轉化成格格不入的超現實影像。本片幾乎沒有對白,但巧妙的運用了音效,加上演員肢體動作的表現,有著較為濃厚的早期默片風格。