劇情: The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that was broadcast from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The Flintstones was about a working-class Stone Age man's life with his family and his next-door neighbor and best friend. The show's continuing popularity rested heavily on its juxtapositio...
劇情:18min A young woman is going to Paris by bus, but when she steps out of her house she discovers that her garden and the whole village is flooded with water. With a boat and a bike she succeeds to reach a dry spot in the village. There a young man in a car offers her a lift. They drive around in circles, trying to find a way out of the area, but all ways are blocked by the water. Concurrently with the ever rising water the emotions within the two young people also start rising. At last they find their way out of the flooded area. When they reach Paris and the young woman looks up at the Eiffel Tower, she knows that she is going to spend the night with this man.
劇情: The film shows how Italy's historic national hero Giuseppe Garibaldi (embodied by Renzo Ricci) leads a military campaign known as Expedition of the Thousand in 1860 and conquers Sicily and Naples. When the Bourbon monarchy has left Southern Italy, he supports Victor Emmanuel II of Italy who achieves a lasting unification under the aegis the House of Savoy. Roberto Rossellini st...
演員:關南施 詹姆斯·繁田 Juanita Hall Jack Soo 鄺炳雄 梅木三吉 佐藤鈴子 楊森 Kam Tong 楊秀
劇情:《花鼓戲》來自 C.Y. Lee (黎錦揚) 的同名小說,由 Oscar Hammerstein II 和 Joseph Fields 改寫成音樂劇,作曲 Richard Rodgers,作詞 Oscar Hammerstein II。該劇於1958年12月1日在紐約的聖詹姆士劇場(St. James Theatre)開演,在紐約百老匯連演六百場不衰,後來又在1960 年3月24日於倫敦的宮殿劇場(Palace Theatre)。在1961年,又由環球銀幕公司拍成電影,其中,扮演琳達的就是著名華裔演員關南施 (Nancy Kwan)。 2002 年,在前《亞裔雜誌》(A Magzine)發行人楊致和成立的Factor 公司的精心策劃下,《花鼓戲》在九月下旬重登紐約百老匯劇場的維珍尼亞劇院(Virginia Theatre)。這一次的劇本由東尼獎得獎劇...
劇情:艾迪(保羅·紐曼 Paul Newman 飾)是一位技藝高超的桌球賭博師,在一次競爭激烈的比賽中,艾迪敗給了對手胖子(傑基·格黎森 Jackie Gleason 飾),失敗帶來的打擊讓心高氣傲的艾迪一蹶不振。一次偶然中,失意的艾迪在咖啡店裡遇見了名叫莎拉(派珀·勞瑞 Piper Laurie 飾)美麗女子,兩人很快墜入了愛河。 然而,莎拉的愛並沒能讓艾迪在挫敗感中獲得救贖,野心的火焰終日在艾迪的心中燃燒帶來著疼痛與焦灼。一個名叫伯特(喬治·C·斯科特 George C. Scott 飾)的男人找到艾迪,希望能夠當他的經紀人。在兩人的努力之下,艾迪終於獲得了夢寐以求的成功,可與此同時,他深愛著的莎拉卻選擇了離開。